You want to support us? Donate! Every cent helps! Further down you can also find was to donate for free.
The Azorli Foundation currently doesn’t have an account for donations. However, you can donate to our partner OSDA e.V. using the reference ‘Azorli Foundation’. The donations will go straight to the Azorli Foundation.
Account info:
Organisation for Strategic Development in Africa e.V. GLS Bank Reference: Azorli Foundation IBAN: DE29 4306 0967 4030 5765 00 BIC: GENODEM1GLS
For donations directly to the Azorli Foundation in Ghana, please contact us.
Free Donations
Not just money helps, but also your time! How you can donate it is explained below.
Support OSDA e.V. and through them also Azorli with these free opportunities to donate!
Benefind is a search engine that donates one cent for every second search request to a charity of your choice. Just visit Benefind, choose OSDA e.V., start your search and donate completely free of charge!
Clicks for Charity gets a provision for every purchase made through the site in an online-store like e.g. Amazon. This money is directly donated to an organisation of your choice. Click the logo, choose OSDA e.V. and get shopping! This is how it works:
- Chose your NGO
- Chose the Shop you want to go to
- Get shopping
- The shop of your choice donates part of the money you spent to the NGO you chose
(Note: Your cart has to be empty when you go to the shop.)
(The Logo is property of Clicks4Charity GmbH)
Similar to Clicks4Charity, boost also offers the opportunity to support OSDA e.V. free of charge by shopping online. The steps to take are the same as mentioned above. Just click the logo and start shopping!
(The Logo is property of Boost Engagement FBX gemeinnützige GmbH)